Cofresco – a journey through time
The first coffee filterl
The patent for the first coffee filter, developed by housewife Melitta Bentz, is the foundation for the family company Melitta in Dresden.
rMove to Minden (Westf.)
After the move to Minden the company history continues to be written in Westfalia.
Sandwich Paperl
The manufacture of household paper begins with sandwich paper.
rAssortment Expansion
The range now includes household and aluminium foils and is continually expanded.
The brand Toppits®l
The brand Toppits® enters the market.
rThe new company
The new company Cofresco Europe combines the foil business of Melitta and DowBrands. At the same time the distribution company Cofresco Iberica is founded in Spain.
Reinforcement in Polandl
The second subsidiary is founded in Poland and is called Cofresco Polska
rNew Shareholder
S.C. Johnson purchases the DowBrands share in the business. The Joint Venture Comital Cofresco is founded in Italy.
Reinforcement for Europel
The subsidiary Cofresco France in France strengthens Cofresco’s Europe wide presence.
rMelitta – Sole Shareholder of Cofresco
The Melitta Group owns 100% of Cofresco after purchasing the S.C. Johnson share in the company.